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Superior Gaming Official Standards ARTICLE I---Code Of Conduct- ARTICLE II---Rules/Standards- ARTICLE III---Punishments- ARTICLE I---Code Of Conduct 1.01--Superior Gaming Will not tolerate discrimination, racism, or harassment, by or towards, another Member at any time. 1.02--High Ranking Members are responsible for:Staying active on the website,Hosting at least 2 times a week,Contributing to the community in any ways possible,recruiting members at all times,Trying to improve Superior Gaming In any ways possible,NO false Advertising(If you say you are hosting a event it must be hosted or possible demotion) 1.03--All members have the right to speak with and Administrators/Moderators/Officers for any reason at all times. 1.04--All Superior Gaming members must act positive in lobby's and must set an example for other members to follow,We will not tolerate members causing a game to fail 1.05--Superior Gaming Members may not be part of any other gaming community for any reason but are allowed to be part of any clan they choose 1.06--Superior Gaming Has no age limit but we reserve the right to remove a member under 15 based on their age 1.07--The List Of Prohibited Topics that members are not allowed to talk about in SG are, Software Alteration, Modding of Games, Console Manipulation, Other Forms of Piracy, Racketeering, Money laundering, Blackmail, Murder, Child Pornography, Prostitution, Bestiality, Incest, Slavery, Fraud, Cannibalism, Theft, Vigilantism, Harassment,Illegal Drug ARTICLE II---Rules /Standards 2.01--Don't Harass/Spam/Threaten/Stalk Any other players or members in or Not In Superior Gaming. This can be something as simple as a joke, some people take jokes seriously and you need to be careful who you talk to 2.02--Don't impersonate or Harass Any Superior Gaming Administrators/Moderators/Officers/Members 2.03--Any Spam Will be removed and if you are responsible for the spam you are subject to punishment, Anything you post is subject to being spam 2.04--Don't give out ANY information that personally identifies you (such as your real name, address, phone number, credit card number, etc)and if you know another members personal information Do not release it, This is a members personal information that you should not be giving away 2.05--Don't create a GamerTag,Motto,Or Bio that can/will offend any other members, If you have one you will need to change it 2.06--Don't cheat in a game lobby or Have mods active while playing in Superior Gaming lobby's 2.07--You are not allowed to associate with anyone who hacks or anything of the sort 2.08-- No Antagonizing Any members or causing a problems with other members 2.09--Do not flame Disrespect any other members in any way shape or form 2.10--Do not use abusive language/Racist Comments/Or Discrimination comments on any way 2.11--Asking to be Banned/Suspended Will result in a Ban/Suspension even if it was in a joking matter ARTICLE III---Punishments 3.01--The punishment for breaking ARTICLE I---Code Of Conduct- 1.01 First Offense:Warning Subsequent Offense:2-360 day Suspension 3.02--The punishment for breaking ARTICLE I---Code Of Conduct- 1.02 First Offense:Warning Subsequent Offense:Meeting, Loss of Privileges 3.03--The punishment for breaking ARTICLE I---Code Of Conduct- 1.03 First Offense:Demotion Subsequent Offense:1-10 day Suspension 3.04--The punishment for breaking ARTICLE I---Code Of Conduct- 1.04 First Offense:2 day Suspension, Demotion Subsequent Offense:10-360 day Suspension, Ban, Demotion, Loss of In-game Privileges 3.05--The punishment for breaking ARTICLE I---Code Of Conduct- 1.05 First Offense:Demotion, Warning Subsequent Offense:Ban 3.06--The punishment for breaking ARTICLE I---Code Of Conduct- 1.06 First Offense:None Subsequent Offense:None 3.07--The punishment for breaking ARTICLE I---Code Of Conduct- 1.07 First Offense:2-10 day Suspension, Warning, Demotion Subsequent Offense:10-360 day Suspension, Demotion, Ban, Loss of in-game privileges 3.08--The punishment for breaking ARTICLE II---Rules/Standards- 2.01 First Offense:Warning, Demotion, 1-5 day Suspension Subsequent Offense:1-360 day Suspension, Demotion, Ban, Loss of in-game privileges 3.09--The punishment for breaking ARTICLE II---Rules/Standards- 2.02 First Offense:30 day Suspension, Demotion, Warning Subsequent Offense:30-360 day Suspension, Ban 3.10--The punishment for breaking ARTICLE II---Rules/Standards- 2.03 First Offense:Warning Subsequent Offense:Loss of website privileges 3.11--The punishment for breaking ARTICLE II---Rules/Standards- 2.04 First Offense:15 day Suspension, Ban, Demotion Subsequent Offense:Ban 3.12--The punishment for breaking ARTICLE II---Rules/Standards- 2.05 First Offense:Warning Subsequent Offense:1-5 day Suspension 3.13--The punishment for breaking ARTICLE II---Rules/Standards- 2.06 First Offense:Kick from game, Demotion, 2 day Suspension Subsequent Offense:10-360 day Suspension, Demotion, Ban 3.14--The punishment for breaking ARTICLE II---Rules/Standards- 2.07 First Offense:1 day Suspension, Warning Subsequent Offense:10 day Suspension, Demotion 3.15--The punishment for breaking ARTICLE II---Rules/Standards- 2.08 First Offense:2 day Suspension, Demotion, Warning Subsequent Offense:10-360 day Suspension, Demotion, Ban 3.16--The punishment for breaking ARTICLE II---Rules/Standards- 2.09 First Offense:Warning Subsequent Offense:Ban--Suspension 3.17--The punishment for breaking ARTICLE II---Rules/Standards- 2.10 First Offense:2 day Suspension, Warning, Demotion Subsequent Offense:5-360 day Suspension, Demotion, Ban 3.18--The punishment for breaking ARTICLE II---Rules/Standards- 2.11 First Offense:Ban, 1-360 day Suspension Subsequent Offense:Ban 3.19--The punishment for trying to find loopholes in ARTICLE I---Code Of Conduct- First Offense:10 day Suspension Subsequent Offense:Ban 3.20--The punishment for trying to find loopholes in ARTICLE II---Rules/Standards- First Offense:10 day Suspension Subsequent Offense:Ban 3.21--The punishment for disrupting or effecting the community in any negative way First Offense:Undetermined Subsequent Offense:Undetermined This is the Superior Gaming Standards ARTICLE I---Code Of Conduct- ARTICLE II---Rules/Standards- ARTICLE III1---Punishments-